NFTBoxes NFT Analysis and Statistics Overview

Check the NFTBoxes NFT project for the latest metrics updates. Get technical analysis and expert insights on NFTBoxes NFT according to newly analyzed Blockchain data.

NFTBoxes NFT Statistics

Hand Wrapps

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0.0 0.0%

NFTBoxes NFT Market Overview

The NFT data chart Nyan Cat (Official) shows that this ETH-deployed dApp did 15 sales in the last 30D. The NFT had 14 users & a $25.2K volume and it was losing in growth with a -100% drop in volume in the last 30 days.

Nyan Cat (Official) NFT dApp is in general high in sales and increased compared to the previous period of 7 days. is now ranked #191 in the General BDG dApp Tracker category, and also #191 in the category. Nyan Cat (Official) NFT is constantly gaining popularity between users with a increase of 0% of users in the same 7-day period.

You can use these metrics to decide if Nyan Cat (Official) is a high potential NFT, if it is gaining popularity and; trends and if really your contribution is worth.