TRON quote (TRX)

O TRON (TRX) value today is R $ 0,500, a drop in -0,41% in the last 24 hours.

  • Value today

    R$ 0,500
  • market cap.

    R $ 50,92 bi
  • Volume (24h)

    R $ 4,57 bi
  • Last minute

  • Last 24h

  • Last 7d


TRON (TRX) Charts


-0,41% Last 24h

How are you TRON today? We separate important information about currency value, daily chart, quotes and valuation expectation on this cryptocurrency.

We hope you can find the most important information about the performance of this cryptocurrency in the market. If you want the latest TRON quote today, go to the daily real-time chart here on this page.

What is TRON?

TRON todayTRON is a decentralized protocol created by 27-year-old Justin Sun, a Chinese graduate of Peking University in China and the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.

Justin intends to create an entertainment platform, offering security, scalability and privacy on the Blockchain. You also want to make the creation of other currencies available within your platform and apps.

In the beginning TRON was called Tronix, but today the name TRON has become popular, the currency code is TRX, that's how you should search when buying.

For now the TRON today is an ERC-20 token from Ethereum. But we believe that the currency can migrate to its own platform when the project ends.

Why invest in TRON today?

TRON and Ethereum basically have the same purposes, but Ethereum covers greater possibilities. Existing information about TRON says that the network can allow each user to publish, store and receive their own payment when working with content on the TRON network.

The protocol takes power out of the hands of small groups and into the hands of users, with no censorship and no unnecessary corporations. You should invest in TRON today if you like the project and platform Justin Sun is creating for content developers and producers.

Another reason to invest in TRON today is the support of several renowned entrepreneurs such as the famous Jack Ma, owner of AliExpress. The company is also supported by BITMAIN, the largest mining company and leading manufacturer of mining hardware.

The TRON cryptocurrency today is also supported by Obike, a bike sharing system without stations, where the user can leave the bike anywhere. Finally, there are renowned investors who are betting on TRX's success today. However, what prevents the greater appreciation of TRON today is the lack of perspective to complete the project. That is, the technology is not being used.

What is the TRON price?

tron today valueThe value of TRON today is constantly changing as it follows the movement of the cryptocurrency market. That is, at each moment the TRON value is changing today, either up or down. You can watch the TRON currency chart today right here on this page so that you don't miss out on any important information. TRXs were initially created, but only 65.748.192.475 are in circulation. The other 34 billion TRXs are in the hands of the TRON Foundation. As we said, the TRON project is at an early stage of development, and its consensus has not been fully built, and can be modified at any time.

Consensus is the most important aspect of a decentralized and distributed system, as there is no central entity to define right from wrong, something is needed to ensure that all network participants are honest and fair.

In this way, consensus is intended to resolve common errors in decentralized systems. But that hasn't been fully defined at TRON these days. Therefore, it is worth keeping an eye on the developments of this cryptocurrency.

Is the TRON coin worth it?

Yes, according to several cryptocurrency analysts, TRON is worth it today. Even so, the TRON consensus protocol which adopts a 3-step strategy still needs to be finalized. The first is to adopt a Kafka-based technology system to implement the consensus algorithm.

The second step is to use Raft-based distributed consensus mechanism to gradually improve network and distribution functions. Laying the foundations for the eventual realization of a wide distribution without a logical center.

Finally, the third step is to carry out the Consensus mechanism between PoS and PoW. Once this is done, the TRON currency will be on an accelerated growth path, and it will be very worthwhile.

How to buy TRX today?

You can purchase TRX today from safe and trusted brokers like Binomo. It is possible to buy TRON today with Bitcoins or other payment methods such as credit cards and bank transfers.

Read on to check out our walkthrough to buy TRON today very quickly and simply.

Step 1: Open your Binomo brokerage account

By accessing the Binomo website, on the homepage, it is possible to open your account very quickly. Enter your personal data and your email. If you prefer, you can also associate Google or Facebook accounts.


Step 2: Make the minimum deposit

After creating your account, you must make the minimum deposit at the brokerage firm, in the amount of $10. This step is important for you to have funds at the brokerage to make the purchase of cryptocurrencies. To make the minimum deposit, the payment methods accepted by the platform are: Visa, MasterCard, Neteller and bank deposit.


Step 3: Make your TRON purchase today

Now, after completing your account creation and making your first deposit, you are ready to buy cryptocurrencies.

Start now

TRON price: quote history

The price of the TRON cryptocurrency today follows the movements of the cryptocurrency market. You can review the quote history right here on this page, on our real-time charts. Overall, if you had invested in launching the cryptocurrency, you would have made a handsome profit as the TRON currency continues to appreciate today. Based on these data, we can believe that the TRX cryptocurrency has a very promising future for its investors.

TRON currency today

If you were interested in the potential of the TRON currency today, be aware that the future of online media can be determined by TRX. Being a truly revolutionary investment “if it works”.

TRX tokens are a prerequisite for interacting with the network, so it would be a good investment, especially if you are a content creator or just have a passion for media, to buy the TRX token.

However, you should always remember that TRX, like other currencies on the market, is subject to price fluctuations. We cannot say that TRX will appreciate in value today. This is because the quotation depends on the purchase volume and the increase in demand for the currency.

We can say that TRON today has great potential to appreciate, as the volume of trading in 24 hours is quite high, with great growth prospects.

What are the advantages of TRON?

Although it is still a “prototype” cryptocurrency, it is possible to see some advantages of the TRX cryptocurrency today. Check out the main ones:

  1. There are no costs for transactions on the network
  2. Fast Transactions: Transactions are very fast as the network can support up to 2000 TRXs per second
  3. The TRON network will build applications on the blockchain
  4. Content creators will have their payment on the TRON platform. The project is innovative and may reward your efforts in the future as content is what fuels the internet.

The ability to offer a service exclusively to content creators will create an ecosystem for TRX to use.

As the project has not yet developed, it is impossible to determine the price of the TRON coin today and whether it can appreciate in value! So remember to keep studying currency fundamentals and invest at your own risk. Remember that the cryptocurrency market is volatile.

We see a positive outlook for the future of TRON today, but it is impossible to set a date for completion of the TRON project. Therefore, we recommend that you follow currency news to stay up-to-date and learn about future prospects.

What is the value of TRON today?

The value of TRON is currently being updated as it follows the movement of the cryptocurrency market. The value has already appreciated since launch but still has plenty of room to grow. This is because the token is in its infancy and has a long way to go. There is a timetable for the project to accelerate and meet all deadlines.

Thus, TRON today should be in the maturing phase of the project, that is, it was for the platform to work and content developers to use TRX. But that was not what happened, as the schedule and planning suffered delays and adjustments. The completion of the project was scheduled for 2025, this is an agenda that has not yet been fulfilled and has been postponed to 2027.

As such, there is great expectation from investors to see the TRON project completed. Even so, they are still cautious and that's why TRON's quote today didn't take off completely.

What to expect from TRON?

TRON todayDue to delays in development, TRON's quotation has not reached a significant market value today. Therefore, it is possible to buy hundreds or thousands of quantities from TRON and bet on the rise. As it is a low priced currency, experts believe that it can produce an effect similar to what happened to Dogecoin.

Remember that some people got rich, as they had hundreds and thousands of DOGE coins in storage and suddenly the coin appreciated a lot. In this way, those investors who believed in cryptocurrency at first managed to make a lot of money by selling their currencies when the price rose.

We've noticed that a similar effect can happen in TRX today, but it's impossible to be sure. Remember that the market is unpredictable and very volatile. What really determines the currency's appreciation is the “law of supply and demand”, that is, a large buyer flow needs to enter TRON today for prices to rise.

Final considerations

We know that Chinese cryptocurrencies do not have as much influence on the market, so the scenario is one of caution for the  TRON today. But, as we mentioned in this article, what really determines the price appreciation is the purchase volume and the completion of the TRON project. So, if you like to take a risk, investing in TRON today can give you great results in the future.

Many digital content creators are betting on TRX's rise, but it is necessary to wait for the new partnerships of startup TRON and the completion of the project, scheduled for 2027. As there were several delays in the schedule, the market is eager for the evolution of this innovative project. So keep an eye out and follow TRON's prices today so you don't miss any opportunities.

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-0,41% Last 24h

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