Binance Coin (BNB) quote

O Binance Coin (BNB) value today is R $ 2.476,27, a drop in -0,38% in the last 24 hours.

  • Value today

    R$ 2.476,27
  • market cap.

    R $ 416,35 bi
  • Volume (24h)

    R $ 8,85 bi
  • Last minute

  • Last 24h

  • Last 7d


Binance Coin (BNB) Charts


-0,38% Last 24h

How is the Binance Coin today? We've separated all the price, chart, and BNB value information so you can catch up on Binance Coin quotes today.

Also check out Binance Coin's upside potential today! We put the complete price history for you to understand the movements of this digital currency and what is the ideal context for BNB's appreciation.

What is Binance Coin?

BNB todayThe Binance Coin (BNB) is a digital utility currency and was created for the Binance Exchange. BNB emerged in 2017, before the official launch of Exchange. It runs on the Ethereum blockchain with standard ERC 20.

We know that Binance Coin today arouses the interest of many investors, so it is among the top 30 digital currencies in the world.

The total supply of tokens was distributed in percentages, see how it turned out:

  • 100 Million for ICO
  • 80 Million for the founders
  • 20 Million for a group of angel investors

From the beginning, Binance's idea was to have a “household asset” that would play an important role in the platform.

In this context, BNB can now be used by platform users to pay (with discounts) fees charged for using the services, such as exchange, trading, listing and other fees.

Initially, a 50% discount on the trading fee was offered during the first year, and this contributed a lot to the platform's growth and BNB's valuation.

What is the price of Binance Coin today?

The price of Binance Coin today is with a strong upward bias. BNB's quotation follows the cryptocurrency market, which is governed by the law of supply and demand. That is, the greater the demand for an asset, the higher its price. Binance Coin is currently experiencing its best historical moment and several specialists are betting on the continuation of this appreciation of the cryptocurrency.

It's important to follow the charts in real time to know the best time to join Binance Coin today, as well as knowing the best time to take your profit. Binance Coin currently has several trading pairs such as BNB/BRL and BNB/USD.

What is the BNB cryptocurrency for?

BNB serves as a utility currency in Binance, meaning when there is some kind of trading fee, traders can use Binance Coin to pay. Today, every type of payment has a discount when the investor uses the currency, which is why Binance Coin's valuation has been happening in recent years.

Investors are buying more and more Binance Coin today as the currency allows for advantages in the brokerage and outside the brokerage. For example, Binance made interesting commercial partnerships so that your currency would be accepted in other businesses, you can pay your travel expenses with BNB in ​​hotels and airline tickets.

How to buy cryptocurrency Binance Coin?

The best place to buy Binance Coin is at Binance itself. Furthermore, the currency is also available on other platforms such as Binomo and IQ Option.

The most common ways to buy BNB are with:

  1. Visa or MasterCard credit and debit cards
  2. Bank transfer
  3. Wise App or PayPal (+ taxes)

If you haven't invested in any type of cryptocurrency yet and are analyzing existing ones on the market, it's worth investigating investing in Binance Coin today.

See our walkthrough to create an account at Binomo, it's very quick and easy.

Step 1: Open your Binomo brokerage account

By accessing the Binomo website, on the homepage, it is possible to open your account very quickly. Enter your personal data and your email. If you prefer, you can also associate Google or Facebook accounts.


Step 2: Make the minimum deposit

After creating your account, you must make the minimum deposit at the brokerage firm, in the amount of $10. This step is important for you to have funds at the brokerage to make the purchase of cryptocurrencies. To make the minimum deposit, the payment methods accepted by the platform are: Visa, MasterCard, Neteller and bank deposit.


Step 3: Make your Binance Coin purchase today

Now, after completing your account creation and making your first deposit, you are ready to buy cryptocurrencies.

Start now

BNB value: quotation history

When we assess the value of Binance Coin today, we realize that this cryptocurrency is in a strong bullish moment, with an upward bias in prices. The currency really entered the investors' radar.

This movement happens because more and more people are looking to invest in this cryptocurrency. But why buy Binance Coin today? There are several advantages for the investor who chooses to buy Binance Coin today. Let's name just a few:

  1. management
  2. Security
  3. Advantages at Binance brokerage, such as discounts on cryptocurrency purchase and sale transactions
  4. Payment method for accommodation and travel

Will Binance Coin appreciate in value?

binance coin todayThe cryptocurrency market is very volatile, with fluctuations every day, in real time. Still, several experts say yes, Binance Coin will rise in value. The usefulness of the cryptocurrency is quite interesting, as with it it is possible to have discounts on the trading fees of cryptocurrencies at Binance. Therefore, investing in Binance Coin today presents a competitive advantage for anyone who invests in cryptocurrencies in Binance.

Thus, the more Binance Coin becomes known and famous, the more valuable and useful the currency becomes on the platform. It is very likely that, in a short time, Binance Coin will be more valued and sought after in the market. Therefore, the appreciation of BNB worldwide tends to happen over time!

What is the BNB value?

The average value of BNB varies widely according to the market. It is worth remembering that Binance Coin is currently going through a boom and cryptocurrency offers real utility, not just being speculative. Thus, the BNB value tends to appreciate with the cryptocurrency market.

Right here on this page you can browse real-time graphs with the BNB value and also use a calculator, so you can know the real-time BNB value. To find the right BNB value put the coin amount in the calculator and check the price, it's very simple.

Is it worth investing in Binance Coin today?

Yes, we believe that Binance Coin is worth investing in today. But beware, remember that the market is very volatile and unstable, so we can never guarantee that you will get an immediate return on your investment. Binance Coin's price today may drop if trades have too high sell volume or it may appreciate due to high buyer volume.

However, even knowing this very important characteristic of the financial market, you should also analyze the fundamentals of each asset. The technology behind currency development and its usefulness are fundamental factors that determine long-term appreciation.

Always invest at your own risk and thoroughly investigate the fundamentals of each asset. Also, never invest more than you are willing to lose. So if you make a lot of money it will be a good investment!

Binance Coin is currently the digital currency of one of the most used brokers in Brazil, and, because of that, it is also one of the most traded in the broker. Every Binance investor has heard of the BNB currency and will eventually use the currency at some point. So there is a big demand for BNB today.

Will Binance Coin Value Increase Today?

binance coin today

BNB today is one of the most traded digital currencies in the world. Recent records show that Binance Coin now ranks third for most valuable digital coins based on capitalization and financial volume.

What determines the price increase is the basic rule of the supply and demand market, that is, the greater the demand for BNB today, the greater its market value. If we analyze the broker's strategy, we know that yes, there is demand for BNB today, which is quite interesting.

Even the platform's marketing strategies and discounted trading fees encourage the use of BNB today. The currency is also trusted by being in one of the most popular brokers in Brazil and in the world. There are several factors that suggest that the scenario is positive for BNB today, such as:

  1. The ecosystem within Binance for BNB to be used as a bargaining chip with advantages when compared to other cryptocurrencies.
  2. The currency can be linked to the credibility of the platform
  3. The currency capitalization is among the 3 largest in the world

Anyway, these are 3 factors that ensure that Binance Coin today has a positive scenario for its valuation and price increase. But, remember that nothing is guaranteed, it is impossible to establish an exact value for BNB's prices.

Final considerations

BNB today went through a strong appreciation movement and is in a moment of strong upward bias. There is an exciting scenario for BNB today as it is the currency of one of the most popular brokers in the world, which is Binance.

More and more people know the cryptocurrency market, so there is a potential unexplored by most investors and digital currencies that have emerged recently, ie, less than a decade old, are the most interesting in this sector. So it's worth keeping an eye on the Binance Coin quote today.

Frequently asked questions

Can I mine Binance Coin?

The answer is no, you can't mine BNB today like you can with proof-of-work cryptocurrencies, as Binance's blockchain uses the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus engine. Thus, there are validators that gain by protecting the network when validating blocks.

Is Binance Coin Safe and Reliable?

Yes, BNB and the Binance Exchange use a system to prevent data breaches and interception. As the blockchain is decentralized, there is no single central hub that can be hacked into to compromise the account data provided. This makes the procedure extremely safe.

What is the recommended portfolio for BNB today?

If you want more security, you can use hardware wallets to keep your BNB coins safe. In this case, the broker recommends the official Trust Wallet portfolio.

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-0,38% Last 24h

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